德国位于欧洲中部,不仅以发达的工业和现代化生活闻名,同时也是农业大国。在积极发展农业的同时,德国始终将环境平衡和永续发展作为首要目标。生态保护、种子多样性和相关政策,成为推动德国农业可持续发展的重要解方。 WHERE? 布兰登堡州(Brandenburg)位于德国东北部,拥...
It is the pioneer in systematically linking local seed diversity to healthy food for sustainable production and consumption in climate change adaptation
Explore initiating community-based marine protected areas through participatory approaches, focusing on conserving horseshoe crabs to stimulate community-driven dynamics.
Our mission is to enhance smallholder farmers’ capacity and safeguard their rights and dignity through multi-stakeholder action research and innovations in agrobiodiversity, traditional knowledge, and local food systems rooted in sustainable livelihoods.